A Year in Review – 1923

As we flip the calendar from ‘23 to ‘24, let’s have a look back at the year in review. But not 2023. Let’s take a look at significant events that happened in Berrien County in 1923. as reported (nearly verbatim) in the Herald Press. For simplicity’s sake, let’s keep things in chronological order. January 16Continue reading “A Year in Review – 1923”

The Night the Cowgirl Cagers came to the Benton Harbor Armory

The 1950s weren’t known for their women basketball teams. Come to think of it, the 1950s weren’t known for their women, period. In the “good old days” women didn’t often get out of the role of housewife to pursue loftier athletic ambitions and when they did, it was due to global circumstances out of theirContinue reading “The Night the Cowgirl Cagers came to the Benton Harbor Armory”

The House of David’s Mysterious Shipwreck – The Rosa Belle

It was late October in 1921 when the schooner “Rosa Belle” disappeared on its return voyage from High Island in Lake Michigan. The Rosa Belle was a two masted 100 foot sailing vessel owned by the Israelites of the House of David, a religious colony headquartered in Benton Harbor, Michigan. They had a lumbering enterpriseContinue reading “The House of David’s Mysterious Shipwreck – The Rosa Belle”